Combining the Human Element with Robust Technology can be Transformational

Using our 5-A Framework, we want to lead you from surviving to thriving. This transformation allows your life to go from scarcity to possibilities you may not even be aware of. 

After engaging with us, our clients are provided with a complete, yet concise financial framework that helps them achieve harmony and spend time how they want. We believe happiness in life comes from being in a state of flow where your time is being spent how you want it, and you are progressing towards your goals. Throughout our process, you can be confident that you will have a trusted and passionate financial advisor to coordinate your entire plan with other key professionals so you can conquer all your peaks in life.


Introductory Chat:  Typically takes 15-20 minutes

This is simply an introductory chat for us to get acquainted and determine if working together makes sense for both of us. If we like each other, share similar philosophies and interests, and just feel like we would work well together we then use the following meeting structure to take you through our comprehensive financial planning process.

We do not charge upfront for moving forward in the process. We want you to be 100% comfortable with us before signing any agreements and the best way for us to know this is by taking you through the next few steps in the process. 


Discovery Meeting:  Typically takes 30-60 minutes

This meeting is all about you. The primary purpose of this meeting is to point you in the right direction or confirm you are already headed that way. It is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and to learn more about your desires, hopes, dreams & goals for the future. 

We will also do a high-level review of your financial situation to learn more about what you are doing, etc. We strive to gather as much data as possible so we can complete a comprehensive analysis and find the small details that could make massive changes in your situation. In our experience, the small details matter, which is why we emphasize this data-gathering process to ultimately create the best possible plan for you. Don't worry though, we utilize our robust technology to streamline this as much as possible!


Solutions Meeting:  Typically takes 45-60 minutes

This is a great meeting to test results in advance to see what will work best for you and your money given your unique situation. We compare your current plan to a variety of alternate solutions, going over each one and figuring out which aspects you like and dislike about all of them. This allows us to explain our rationale and make any adjustments you may want to your financial plan. 

At this point, if we agree we would like to work together we will sign a financial planning engagement detailing the work we will be doing for you and the associated costs. We will make the necessary adjustments to your plan based on what was discussed in this meeting and you will be given access to your own financial dashboard which helps organize your finances in one centralized location.


Final Implementation Meeting:  Typically takes 45-60 minutes

In this meeting, we review the final financial plan solution, highly customized for your situation, that is based upon what you wanted and liked from all the options we previously discussed. We then review an implementation letter that gives you a road map to make all of this a reality.

At this time you are free to implement the solutions by yourself, with another advisor, use us, or some combination of all of them.



Annual Review Meetings:  Not less than once a year

Now that you have a plan in place it is important to update it regularly. Life happens and we want to make sure we update and adjust your financial plan as needed.  Plan on meeting with us no less than once a year to review and chat about any changes that may have happened in your life. Your financial dashboard will automatically update daily, allowing us to monitor your financial life and contact you if we see anything that should be addressed. Don't worry, we don't charge you any extra for virtual meetings, calls, or emails. You have us 365 days a year!

We leverage the power of Asset Map, a very simple, yet robust digital tool that we use to facilitate all things financial planning for our clients and help them visualize their entire financial life in one place. Start building your Asset Map now here.

We leverage the power of Asset Map, a very simple, yet robust digital tool that we use to facilitate all things financial planning for our clients and help them visualize their entire financial life in one place. Start building your Asset Map now here




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