Investment Management

You work hard for your money. 

We believe your money should work just as hard, if not harder, for you.


We believe your investments should be managed in direct relation to your needs and not based upon what your family, friends, and coworkers are doing.

Utilizing what we call a "return needs approach", we first determine what your specific accumulation, retirement, and income needs are and then design a portfolio that helps you stay on track for those needs.  We do this in the context of what is going on in the local and global economy and how the markets are trending in relation to all known data.

Our open architecture allows us to offer customized portfolio solutions that are 100% transparent.  Each client portfolio allocation is specifically designed based on your return objectives, risk profile, and tax status of your accounts.  By first going through the financial planning process we are able to determine which strategies are best suited for your situation.

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